2024 Academic Year: The Institut Universitaire du Golfe de Guinée Ready to Tackle New Challenges

The 2024 academic year at the Institut Universitaire du Golfe de Guinée (IUG) is set to begin under promising conditions. After a series of preparatory meetings, the institution is fully prepared to welcome its students, with the ambition of maintaining its position as one of the leaders in higher education in Cameroon.

The highlight of these preparations was the 55th Ordinary General Assembly held on Saturday, September 13. This session officially marked the return of the faculty. IUG President, Steve Cédric Djambou, congratulated his team for their efforts last year and encouraged them to be “more ambitious” in order to maintain the institution’s standing. The results of the previous academic year’s official exams were presented, demonstrating a solid performance from the institution, which now aims to achieve even greater success.

Prior to this General Assembly, two significant meetings took place on September 12 and 13. The Scientific Council, chaired by Emeritus Rector Prof. François-Xavier ETOA and organized with partner universities, reviewed IUG’s activities and set priorities for the coming year. The University Council, chaired by the IUG Group President and attended by a representative of the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, confirmed the institute’s compliance with governmental training requirements.

Professor Asomgwe Samkia Patricia, an Inspector of Services at the Ministry of Higher Education, expressed the authorities’ satisfaction. “IUG meets the standards and is one of the best institutions,” she stated, while conveying the minister’s congratulations to the leadership team.

For this new academic year, the institute has set ambitious goals: improving the quality of education and promoting research among the faculty. Starting on Monday, second-year students will be the first to walk through IUG’s doors, marking the beginning of a new era for the institution.

With motivated teams and clear objectives, IUG is determined to strengthen its position as a leader in Cameroon’s educational landscape.

Jean Bosco BELL

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